Our Mission:



To accelerate the world’s transition to safer chemicals without animal testing


The Problem

The current level of certainty at predicting the health hazards of chemicals is unsatisfactorily low.  We can do better.

Chemical safety testing is required by law, yet remains notoriously uncertain, time consuming and expensive. Chemical companies need access to new approach methodologies (NAMs)

  • to accelerate and increase reliability of the tests required for regulatory approval of chemicals

  • to transition to non-animal testing, complying with new laws and increasing corporate stewardship

  • to reduce attrition during product development, benefiting from safety-by-design

Our solution is to deploy NAMs from molecular biology and data science

Our Services

We provide services in chemical grouping, hazard prediction and benchmark dose modelling to determine the potencies of chemicals. Our approach combines molecular (omics) technologies that measure thousands of molecular responses to chemical exposure with computational approaches to analyse the data, so to derive information on chemical hazards. Our customers – the early adopters – are benefiting from these innovative solutions.


We provide customised training in NAMs, including molecular biomarkers, omics technologies and machine learning/AI to ensure the regulators and the regulated can benefit from these innovative solutions.

Our Team

Our team has over 20 years of experience in developing and testing NAMs to assess the safety of chemicals more reliability by monitoring biomolecular pathways without the use of vertebrate animal testing. We are also co-developing international compliance standards for the application of NAMs to regulatory toxicology.